Frequently asked questions
How old do I need to be to move into Euroka?
You need to be over 55 years old and no longer working full time. In a couple, at least one person must meet this requirement.
Are there social activities organised?
There are various activities on offer, you can even join our social committee. Activities include things like coffee & chat, outings, Happy Hour and overnight/s trips. Join in as many as you like or you can choose to live independently, the choice is yours.
Can I have guests and grandchildren stay?
Definitely! Family and friends are welcome to visit or stay with you.
Can I plant my own garden?
Absolutely! Green thumbs are welcome to tend their own small garden. Not a gardener? No worries, our manager keeps the village looking tip-top.
Do you have a common room, gym or café?
We have a large common room available at no cost for residents to host their own events, parties or family get-togethers. This includes tables, chairs, a full kitchen, dishwasher, plates and cutlery. To keep costs low we do not have a gym or café but are very close to a number of local businesses offering these services and many more.
Will my home be safe and secure when I go on holiday?
Yes. Our village is a safe and close-knit community. The manager also makes regular inspections around the village.
Do you have an emergency call button?
Yes, all our villas have emergency medical call button monitoring. Our on-site manager also assists with any maintenance issues including emergencies.
Will I own the residence?
You occupy the villa under a non-registered lease/licence. You will occupy the villa for as long as you determine but do not own the villa. A licence agreement is offered by many not-for-profit villages and charity organisations. Our manager will be happy to spend some time with you explaining our terms and answering any questions you may have.
What is the departure fee all about?
The departure fee (also known as an exit fee) is a fee payable when you leave the village.
You may have to pay a departure fee when you leave this village. It is calculated upon the entry amount paid by the incoming resident into the village and is deducted from your refund when you permanently vacate your premises. We keep our entry costs low by employing a departure fee system allowing most people the opportunity to join us at Euroka. Our manager will be happy to spend some time with you explaining our terms and answering any questions you may have.
How can I join the waiting list at Euroka?
We ask that you complete the application form and pay a refundable deposit of $200 to join the waiting list. Contact us to begin this process.
What do the monthly fees / recurrent charges cover?
They include council rates, building insurance, water rates, smoke alarm maintenance, village pest control, air conditioning maintenance, the day-to-day running of the shared areas and services within the village and administration. This leaves you to personally pay for telephone/internet, electricity, and personal contents insurance.
Do you provide medical or personal care?
Euroka is an independent living village and therefore we cannot provide medical or personal care. Some residents do have carers come to their home, just as you might in your own home.
Other questions? Give us a call on 02 9679 7637 and we'll be happy to help!